Would you have desired being the opposite gender? Coming from a different nation? Coming from a different parent? etc.
Unfortunately, your opinion was not sought in these foundational decisions which defines the very cradle of your existence.
You could decide to wear your red shirt instead of the white one, perhaps, you could even flip shirts at will, because they all belong to you, and you dictate what feels good to wear. Surprisingly, this does not apply to the earlier questions, even though, it is generally assumed to be “my life”, yet you could not at will change gender, nor color etc. I thought the owner of a thing should be able to make decisions on his property and effect such decisions at will. That seem not to be the case with those foundational and fundamental life decisions.
The reason is not farfetched, our so-called life or existence, is not your property. It is on a lease to you. It is only wise to consult the giver, who also made all foundational decisions and in fact, has the blue-print of your entire life. It is wisdom for builders to consult the blue-print, if their effort at the long-run would be accepted and rewarded, else they would have labored in vain.
If He has beautifully constructed the foundation, why seek other builders to construct the walls and roof? Moreover, attempting to build by yourself could be outside of your domain either. Do not subscribe to the devil’s advert, he only steals, kills and destroys whatever is good. No one else has the right to manage your life – which they never created, not even yourself. It is illegal to move into or claim ownership of a building you never built nor own.
It is up to you to appoint the project manager and builder of your life. Some people decide to manage it by themselves, some have hired men, while some have dedicated their life to the devil. These alternative choices, indicate rebellion to the true and original owner of your life. There is a vacuum in your life, that technology, wealth, position etc. cannot fill, that position belongs to your maker and sustainer, the very one who offered you existence.
Do not be deceived, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill. For it is not by power nor by might, but by my Spirit says the Lord. The river that dis-regard its source would soon dry up, it is rebellion to dis-regard the Almighty who gave you the privilege of life. You cannot do without him.
It is easy to re-connect to the owner of life and start to experience the true Life that Jesus can offer. Please say these words of prayer with me. Say, “Lord I recognize I am a sinner but I desire your forgiveness, have mercy on me and make me your child, I accept Jesus as my Lord from today. Come into my life and fulfill the purpose for which you created me. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen”.
Congratulations, this is the beginning of a new life for you, however, I advise that you connect with the right fellowship of believers, where you are nourished with God’s Word. Your life shall be fruitful in Jesus name.
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